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Deal Origination in Investment Banking

Deal origination is the process of finding investment opportunities for enterprises including private equity, venture capital firms, or other financial players. It involves spotting potential investments as they come up and presenting clients about them or negotiating deals for them by acting as intermediaries in a transaction.

Traditional deal sourcing relies on corporate connections and networking. Companies seeking to raise money or buy companies depend on these sources to get information about the market. This approach is time-consuming and requires access to business people who are likely to be part of the company’s network, and also a relationship with an intermediary for investment.

A larger investment bank could have an in-house deal sourcing group composed of finance professionals who work full-time on generating leads and developing a pipeline of investment opportunities for their company. This approach is dependent on the reputation and skills of these experts. It’s therefore more suitable for established investment firms that have an established track record of completing successful deals.

It is vital for any investment bank to search for new deals and maintain an active M&A pipeline but it’s a challenge to manage without the proper technology and tools. Fortunately, the financial technology industry have developed platforms to help investors and finance professionals to identify and source potential deal opportunities using automation. These platforms can filter outbound and inbound leads according to predefined criteria like industry, transaction value, and location. This could reduce the amount of time spent searching the internet for potential opportunities.

A few of these platform providers also offer services to smaller groups who don’t have the financial resources to create their own origination teams. CAPTARGET is an example of a platform that provides the fee-for-service model that can aid small brokers and investment banks locate business deals. These kinds of services can help save money and increase quantity of leads because they provide access to a vast database of investors who are looking to invest.

Apart from these technological solutions and tools, investment banks also have other options to source deals. For instance, they could provide a monthly report of their sell-side and buy-side mandates to potential clients. They can also find investment opportunities on the market and then present clients with these opportunities, and earn an income when the transaction is completed. This process is time-consuming and risky, but it can be successful in the event that an investment banker has good relationships with blue-chip firms. A major US investment firm recently concluded an agreement worth USD 2 billion with an Indian firm, following extensive deal-sourcing activities in India. The bank was able to get this deal through its extensive knowledge of Indian economy and culture. It also collaborated with an investment bank in India to ensure that it was taken care of. This level of expertise and commitment makes an investment bank an asset to any company.Know more About, multifamily cap rate calculator